We launched our strategy, Accelerate SAIL, in February 2024, building on the previous strategy, SAIL’27, and our purpose of brewing for a better today and tomorrow, and our ambition of being the most successful, professional and attractive brewer in our markets.
Accelerate SAIL is about building a bold and exciting future of growth and becoming an even stronger company, as well as a market leader and positive force in society – always burning and striving for excellence.
In essence, Accelerate SAIL focuses on five strategic levers – portfolio, geographies, execution, culture and funding the journey – for which we have made distinct strategic choices, defining the focus of our efforts and resource allocation. Our strategic levers and choices should be viewed as an integrated set of activities that together will drive shareholder value.
The key growth priorities include our premium portfolio, Beyond Beer and growth markets in Asia, with particular focus on China, Vietnam and India. We will also further strengthen capabilities, processes and systems.
With Accelerate SAIL, we are increasing our long-term ambition for organic growth to 4%-6%. To deliver on that ambition, we will increase commercial investments over the next years.
To achieve our ambition, Accelerate Sail focuses on five key priorities:
Brewing for a better today & tomorrow
Most successful, professional, and attractive brewer in our markets.
Building on our strengths and accelerating growth