
Helping festival-goers with sustainable solutions

Having been partners since the beginning, in 2019 Carlsberg Denmark extended the partnership b another five years, with an even greater focus on creating sustainable experiences for festivalgoers.

Switching to sustainable cups from one-way plastic cups can be challenging as festivals are often in rural areas without the infrastructure to wash on site. At Roskilde in 2019, we replaced over 1 million one-way plastic cups with sustainable cups that can be used up to 25 times, complete with collection and washing for re-use.

What’s more, all our bars were powered by renewable electricity, using green certificates for 2019. For the 2020 festival, we plan to build a permanent solar installation in partnership with the festival to provide power. Meanwhile, we used Smartflower, a unique solar installation and a great way to highlight the importance of renewable electricity to consumers. Its petal-like panels track the sun and are 40% more efficient than conventional systems.

Broadening the concept to other European festivals

We are working with other festival organisers to switch to reusable cups, and in 2019, we achieved this in markets such as Denmark, France, Latvia, Norway, Portugal and Switzerland.

Other examples of how we will reach ZERO carbon footprint by 2030

Snap Pack. An innovation to reduce plastic

Snap Pack. An innovation to reduce plastic

We’re constantly trying to make everything about our beers even better. Snap Pack is one of the results. A world-first for the beer industry, this innovation took us three years to develop together with our partners.

Going for 1.5˚C

Going for 1.5˚C

It’s been a big year for 1.5°C. At this critical time for the planet, media coverage has been unprecedented and there was an affirmed commitment at COP25. Our sustainability ambitions at Carlsberg are aligned to the most ambitious science-based target of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, going beyond the Paris Agreement’s base level.