E.C. Dahls Lamo Wit

E.C. Dahls Lamo Wit

Brand Origin:
E.C. Dahls Lamo Wit

The E.C. Dahls Brewery is located in Lademoen. People living here are often called Lamonittes; this beer is brewed in their honour.

E.C. Dahls Lamo Wit is a refreshing Belgian-style witbier, brewed with Curacao orange peels, coriander, and rosehip for an extra dimension of complexity. This beer has a colour similar to pale straw, as well as a hazy appearance. The aroma is fresh with notes of citrus, orange, coriander and white bread. The taste is characterised by coriander, citrus and wheat.

Food Pairings

Enjoy with seafood, salads or fruity desserts.